Solar PV & Battery Storage
Safely Comply leverages years of experience in installing solar panels for both residential and commercial properties, handling projects from individual homes to large-scale commercial buildings. Solar photovoltaics (PV) work by capturing light through panels made of multiple layers of silicon and other materials, releasing electrons that generate an electric charge. These versatile solar panels can be installed in various settings, whether on urban rooftops, rural farms, or factory buildings. It’s a common misconception that solar panels require direct sunlight to function; in reality, they can produce electricity even on cloudy days, ensuring a reliable energy supply. While brighter sunlight increases their efficiency, solar PV systems can operate effectively even with limited sunlight.
Government incentives help offset the initial costs of installation. The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), introduced on January 1st, 2020, provides financial rewards for exporting surplus energy generated by small-scale renewable technologies like solar panels, wind power, and hydropower back to the grid. This initiative promotes the use of renewable energy, offering long-term savings and the potential to earn money through excess energy production.
By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your energy bills, with some estimates suggesting savings of up to 70%. Solar energy is a clean alternative to fossil fuels, converting sunlight into power without emitting greenhouse gases or consuming water resources. Solar panels offer a dependable energy source from the sun, which remains available even on cloudy days. Once installed, solar panels have a lifespan of at least 25 years, and with proper maintenance, they can last even longer, providing nearly maintenance-free energy production long after the initial payback period of 6-8 years for commercial panels and about 14 years for residential ones.
EV Charging Solutions
Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles operate much like any other rechargeable device, drawing electricity from the grid through a charging point. In the UK, the most common chargers are Type 2, featuring a seven-pin design powered by alternating current (AC). The most widely used charger is the 7kW model, known for its efficiency in charging EVs within 6 to 8 hours. For faster charging, a 22kW charger can be installed at your home or business, provided you have a three-phase energy supply and your vehicle is compatible with higher charging speeds. This 22kW option can charge your vehicle up to three times faster than the standard 7kW charger.
Government grants offer significant financial assistance, covering up to 75% of the costs for eligible businesses. To qualify, your business must have fewer than 249 employees, provide off-street parking, adhere to fire safety guidelines, and meet other specific criteria. Eligible companies can receive up to five grants for five different sites. More than 400,000 homes and businesses have benefited from these grants, which can cover 75% of the installation costs, up to £15,000, with up to £350 per charge point socket and £500 per parking space enabled with supporting infrastructure.
Setting up a personal electric charger at home is nearly half the cost of relying on public charging stations, and both options are cheaper than using petrol. While it’s possible to use a standard 3-pin UK socket, these are not designed to handle the high electrical loads required for EV charging. Home charging also boosts property value, with some estimates suggesting a potential 30% increase due to the appeal of green initiatives. For businesses, installing chargers not only future-proofs the property but also enhances its attractiveness to customers, clients, and investors. Additionally, with the rising cost of living in the UK, offering EV charging at work can be a valuable tool for employee retention.
At Safely Comply, we prioritise environmental sustainability, working with partners who share our commitment to a greener future. Charging your EV at home or work results in minimal emissions, supporting the UK’s goal of achieving a net-zero society by 2050 and making the switch to electric vehicles a positive step forward.